All together for the planet.

It starts with a choice.

Consciously choosing to cultivate kind words, thoughts, and actions can sow the seeds of positive change, both within ourselves and the world around us. Kindness is a practical yet transformative force that can enrich our lives on multiple levels, from being a source of joy and fulfilment to building strong and supportive communities, to acting as a beacon of inspiration that has the power to create a more compassionate and truly interconnected world.

Think of how a waterfall is formed by a single drop of water that eventually transforms into a flowing force of nature. The initial drop represents a single act of kindness. As more drops of water are added they begin to work in unison, symbolizing the far-reaching effects that one small act can have on others. Kindness has the potential to create a positive cascade of change, not just outwardly in the lives of those we touch but also inwardly within our own being. This beautiful reciprocity underscores the inherent truth that when we cultivate kindness, we simultaneously create a more harmonious and unified world while enriching our own inner landscape.


An integral part of Cultivate Kind’s ethos is dedicated to supporting socially disadvantaged and under-developed communities around the world. Its about making a real difference in people’s lives who need it the most.

Our mission is to provide the necessary resources to under developed communities to become more self sufficient instead of becoming reliant on aid. This is about building collective autonomies and giving people the opportunities to develop their own community driven independence. With support from our grass root partners, we provide the necessary resources to develop scalable solutions through education, food, and income-generating programs that allow whole communities to prosper.


Looking after our planet benefits all of humankind. As we look towards the future, it is important to consider the impact that our actions have on the planet and understanding that what we do now, will have far reaching consequences for the future health of the planet. Financial support and active participation can play a significant role in ensuring that we protect the environment for future generations to come. By investing in environmental sustainability, supporting conservation efforts, promoting sustainable agriculture, investing in green infrastructure and reducing waste, we can all make a significant difference in the world and help to create a better future for everyone.


When we make a conscious effort to be kind to others, not only does it give us a sense of self worth , but it also allows us to gain different perspectives on life. It provides us with a deeper understanding of the difficulties many people have to endure on a daily basis . With some 700 million people on the planet living in extreme poverty (Mostly in rural areas), a large proportion of the poor and hungry are children and young people. For most, this is living on less than $2.15 USD a day and almost half the global population, 47 percent, live below the US$6.85 poverty line. The poorest households in the developing world may spend as much as 80% of their incomes on food. This means they have less for other needs , such as clothes, shelter. medicines, school books for children and little by little essentials get cut. We work closely with local partners in some of the most poverty stricken areas on the planet. It is here that we provide the necessary resources and education tools to improve the lives of people living in these communities.